
Latest Products
Latest Products
    The LNG carrier is widely known as a vessel of high-tech, high-value and high-reliability in the world. The company commenced the R&D of LNG carriers in 1997 and has won the building contracts of LNG carriers through seven years of arduous efforts, which made breakthroughs in the newbuilding of LNG carriers dominated by overseas shipbuilders and aroused strong response among the global shipbuilding arena. The first-ever LNG carrier independently built in China by this company
Ship products
Ship products
    The company has built a great variety of ship products with advanced technologies, including ultra-large 10,000-teu class container vessels and liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers embodying the most advanced shipbuilding technology, 2,700-teu reefer container vessels, PCTCs, self-unloading cement carriers; bulk carriers represented by “China Hudong Type” 74,500-dwt bulk carriers that have reached the up-to-date level in the shipbuilding circle; 52,000-dwt oil storage carri
Non-ship Products
Non-ship Products
    The company mainly undertakes the construction of ultra high-rise buildings, large bridges, gas tanks and metallic structures. It has constructed steel structures of the 56-floored Capital Mansion with 207.26m in total height, which broke the monopoly of foreign-funded enterprises in the domestic market. Following that, the company has constructed the world-famous Shanghai International Trade Center, Shanghai Stock Exchange Building, Shanghai Hong Kong New World Tower and fu
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     H&Z quality policy: develop and design energy efficient and eco-friendly high-end products, with earnest construction and quality services, provide customers with first rate ships built to international standards, continuously satisfy demands of customers.
Quality management system for merchant products of this Company passed certification by ABS QE on the basis of ISO9001:1994 standard in May 1997, passed standard update audit by ABS QE on the basis of ISO9001:2000 in Dec. 2002, and passed standard update audit by ABS QE on the basis of ISO9001:2008 in Apr. 2010; for military products, this Company passed.
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Address:内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市和林格尔新区智能制造产业园E1楼309.313.319室  Zip:200129
Phone:021-58713222  Fax:021-58712603
E-mail:hzgroup@shcei.com.cn   BMD@hz-shipgroup.com
Recruitment email:hrdept_hz@yahoo.com.cn    

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